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Associate Professor of UFRRJ.

Has a degree in History from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (1996), a Master’s (2000) and Doctorate (2005) in History from Universidade Estadual de Campinas; a Doctorate in Contemporary History – with a Sandwich Grant from the Universidade da Borgonha – Dijon (2005). Did Post-Doctoral research in History in Universidade de São Paulo (2008).

Coordinator of CEDIM (Center of Documentation and Image of UFRRJ).

Has experience in the area of History, with an emphasis on the History of Republican Brazil and Contemporary History, mainly working with the following themes: socialism and revolutions; leftwing parties and movements; 1964 coup and post-1964 military dictatorship; amnesty and political opening.

Areas of interest: Socialism and Revolutions, Parties, and Leftwing Movements, 1964 Coup and Post-1964 Military Dictatorship, Amnesty and Political Opening.

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