Guidelines for foreign students

Guidelines for foreign candidates or residents abroad




  • Period of submission of candidacy:


PPHR accepts inscriptions every year. The requirements, rules, and deadlines for the submission of candidacies are generally announced in August or September on the site:


  • Costs

PPHR is part of a public university, for this reason no fees are charged for Brazilian or foreign students. The only charge is an inscription charge to participate in the selective process.



The Program does not have specific grants for foreign candidates who want to do a fulltime Doctorate in PPHR. It is recommended that candidates look for grants in their country of origin. Candidates can also look at the grants offered by Brazilian funding agencies (



  • Candidacy submission procedures:


3.1 – Inscriptions should be done in the period defined in the Announcement of the Selection of Doctoral Students, released annually. For further information about the calendar, contact


3.2 – Inscriptions should be made online, through SIGAA, at the following address:


Candidates should fill in the fields in SIGAA’s electronic form and annex the forms listed below (Subsection 3.3), saved in digital format.


3.3- The documents required for the online inscription of candidates for the Doctorate are:


  1. Copy of passport.
  2. Copy of identity document.
  3. Copy of degree or certificate of completion of undergraduate studies.
  4. Copy of Master’s degree (if applicable).
  5. Copy of undergraduate and Master’s course transcript (if the latter is applicable).
  6. Letter of presentation of candidate with indication of possible supervisor. The list of professors and their areas of research can be found at:
  7. Research project (in accordance with the model presented in Annex 1).
  8. Curriculum Vitae of the candidate.
  9. Document proving proficiency in Portuguese or a letter from the supervisor (PPHR professor) certifying that the candidate has sufficient knowledge to the doctorate in PPHR.


  • Selection stage

4.1 Selection for the Doctorate includes the following stages, all of which are eliminatory:

  1. Analysis of candidate’s documentation and ratification of inscription
  2. Analysis of research project;
  3. Interview of candidate about their research project;
  4. Analysis of candidate’s curriculum vitae;
  5. Foreign language exam.


4.2  Candidates who are foreign residents can request online interviews. In this case, they can choose the option of an “online interview” in the corresponding field in the inscription form (Subsection 3.2).

4.2.1 The Program shall not be held responsible for any technical problems which on the day of the interview prevent the holding of this stage of the selection.


4.3 Foreign candidates have to do an examination in one of three languages: English, Spanish, or French.

4.3.1 Candidates who present proof of language proficiency or testify that one of the three languages mentioned above is their maternal language shall be dispensed from the foreign language exam.


  • Timetable of selection stages

The dates of each stage of the selection will be disseminated in their own call (see:


  • Requirements which students should fulfill before being approved and registered in the Doctoral course:
    • The Selection Commission can accept degrees issued by foreign institution’s in the presentation of their candidacy, however, the degree needs to be formally recognized in Brazil before the foreign candidate finalizes their course in PPHR, in order to obtain their Doctoral degree from UFRRJ.
    • Candidates will need to prove their proficiency in Portuguese at the end of the first year of their Doctorate.


Further Information:

In the case of doubts, contact:


Annex 1



Cover: The cover should contain: the title of the pre-project, the research line, the intended course (in this case the Doctoral course), and the year.

I –Introduction (1. Delimitation of the object and the research problematic; 2. Historiographic debate)

II – Justifications and academic relevance

III – Objectives

IV – Theoretical references

V – Hypotheses

VI – Sources and methodology of analysis

VII – Work timetable

VIII – Sources and bibliography cited

Postado em 25/03/2020 - 15:11 - Atualizado em 18/03/2021 - 10:44

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