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Acessar Currículo Lattes

Associate Professor, Department of History of UFRRJ.

Has a degree, Master’s, and Doctorate in Social History from Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), with a doctoral internship in Universidade Paris IV-Sorbonne. Did Post-Doctoral research in Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (2009-2010) and Universidad de San Martin, UNSAM, Argentina (2019).

Her dissertation on the associative movement demanding the regulation of the working week in commerce won the CECULT/UNICAMP Várias Historias prize, which resulted in the publication of the book Proletários de casaca: empregados no comércio carioca (1850-1911).

Member of ALHIS (Asociación Latinoamericana e Iberica de Historia Social) and REDLATT (Red Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Trabajo y Trabajadorxs). Was editor of Revista Mundos do Trabalho between 2009 and 2014. Currently is National Coordinator of GT-ANPUH Worlds of Labor (since 2018).

Has experience in research in the Social History of labor, with an emphasis on the History of Imperial Brazil and the First Republic, mainly working with the following themes: labor relations in the retail trade and peddling, markets, struggle for rights, slavery, and liberty.

Areas of interest: history of labor; urban history; rights and justices; slavery and liberty; post-abolition; racial relations and gender relations in worlds of labor, workers, and municipalities.


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