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Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Territorial e Políticas Públicas

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The PPGDT’s mission is to train professionals committed to the improvement of society, either through the construction of socially referenced knowledge with the development of the analyzed territories and regions, or by qualifying students and professionals to intervene in them, seeking to contribute with concrete actions for the elaboration, implementation and improvement of services and public policies. Articulating local-global management in the various institutional spaces (public or private) and aiming at reducing social inequalities that materialize in territories in multiple ways (absence of the State, inequalities, violence, etc.), the PPGDT aims to train trained professionals to work in these territories, as well as to qualify human resources for research, extension and teaching at different teaching levels and in areas related to Urban and Regional Planning/Demography.

In this way, another purpose of the PPGDT is to produce and disseminate academic knowledge, in addition to qualifying professionals in territorial, urban, peri-urban or rural planning, related to the respective public policies, stimulating critical awareness and social responsibility that contribute to the dialogue between teaching, research and extension committed to reflecting on the multidimensional issues inherent in territorial planning.

The multi-campus condition of the Program (with professors from the campuses of Seropédica, Nova Iguaçu and Três Rios), in addition to professors linked to partner institutions in other locations (EMBRAPA Agrobiologia, EMBRAPA-Solos and UFF-Volta Redonda) allows for the diversified training of graduated professionals in the course, since the surroundings of each UFRRJ campus have distinct characteristics: the first two located in the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro, like fringes where the urban, peri-urban and rural areas mix and mingle, both have low HDI- M and undergo rapid and intense processes of transformation, arising from global economic growth and disorderly urban expansion. The campus located in the interior of the State, with Três Rios being a medium-sized city in the center-south of Rio de Janeiro, part of the industrial axis of BR-040, but under the influence of Juiz de Fora. To analyze these many realities, the curricular structure, which aims to materialize and articulate theory and practice, aims to implement a set of competences, in its most diverse approaches, including the interrelationship between the cognitive, functional, behavioral, ethical and meta-competences, such as:

– Training in research methodology
– Training in socioeconomic issues
– Training in urban and rural environment issues
– Training in public policies
– Training on local-regional-global issues
– Training in sustainable development practices.


The PPGDT aims to promote the construction of knowledge and the training of human resources aimed at reflection and orientation of public policies related to and consistent with sustainable territorial development, mainly, but not exclusively, with regard to the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro and areas surrounding UFRRJ campuses. The Program is based on the precepts of social cohesion, territorial cohesion, sustainability, governance, economic inclusion and socio-spatial justice. The surroundings of the UFRRJ campuses are characterized as fringes where the urban mixes and merges with the rural, and both have low HDI-M and undergo rapid and intense processes of transformation, arising from global economic growth and disorderly urban expansion.


According to the Integrated Development Plan of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro – PDI UFRRJ 2018-2022 -, the institutional values are inspired by several principles in defense of the public, free and quality university, namely: I – Academic excellence in science, technology, arts and humanities; II – Emphasis on the socio-environmental issue in professional and citizenship training; III – Respect for cultural, intellectual, artistic, institutional, political and religious diversity; IV – Respect for people and individual differences; V – Commitment to valuing and promoting the development of solidary human relationships; VI – Commitment to political democracy with social justice; VII – Commitment to improving the democratic conditions of access and permanence in its various courses; VIII – Commitment to the training of qualified, critical and socially engaged professional-citizens; IX – Democratic, transparent, participative and decentralized management. Thus, articulated to the values of the PDI UFRRJ, the institutionalization of the PPGDT – as an academic reference center and political-institutional agent, capable of congregating and articulating actions in favor of development; that observes territorial particularities; and acting as a promoter of perspectives for efficient, effective and effective public policies in the construction of plural social realities guided by political and social justice – focuses its efforts on continuing a process started ten years ago, with the deepening of international cooperation activities and improvement (with deepening) of student training.

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