Research Ethics Committee

The Research Ethics Committee with Human Beings at UFRRJ (CEP-UFRRJ) has prepared a script for submitting a request to evaluate research projects and programs with human beings. The objective of this script is to clarify and guide researchers on the procedures adopted for submission.

According to Resolution No. 466/12 and Resolution No. 510/16, all research involving human beings must be submitted for consideration by a Research Ethics Committee – CER/CONEP.

It is therefore worth noting that the main mission of the CER/CONEP System is to guarantee the protection of research participants and, in light of this, analyzing research protocols that have already been initiated is prohibited.

Click on the link below to visit the official page of the Research Ethics Committee at UFRRJ, containing all the procedures and requirements for preparing the CER process for your research.

Comitê de Ética na Pesquisa com Seres Humanos


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