Studies: Youth and Adult Education, Collective Work, Narratives, Writing, and Teachers’ Professional Development.
Studies: Education and Diversity, with an emphasis on Public Policies for Inclusive Education, Organization of School Work, Teacher Training, and Education Policies.
Studies: Corporeality, Physical Education, School, School Routines, Teacher Training, and Evaluation.
Studies: Educational Policy, Agricultural Education and Teacher Training working mainly in research and continuing education on the following topics: Environmental Education and Sustainability, Training of Environmental Educators, Educational Policy, Education and Agroecology, Teacher Training and Public Policies.
Studies: Language, Culture and Education at the Laboratory of Dialog-Based Research and Studies and Common Knowledge of the Institute of Education.
Studies: Agroecology and Organic Agriculture, with research focused on Microbiology and Biochemistry of Soil, mainly dealing with the following topics: Green Fertilization, Phosphate-solubilizing Microorganisms, Alley Cropping, and Organic Horticulture.
Studies: Preventive Veterinary Medicine with a focus on Animal Health, Veterinary Technical Advice and Assistance, Program on Best Practices in Farms, and Animal Parasitic Control Strategies, primarily dealing with the following topics: Bio-ecology and the Integrated Control of Parasitoses of Importance in Veterinary Medicine and Public Health. Clinical evaluation and the efficacy of drugs and contaminant residues from conventional and alternative drugs (Homeopathy and Phytotherapy) in the control of Animal Health.
Studies: Theoretical and Philosophical Foundations of Education, Teaching Profession, Popular Education, Decolonial Education, Contemporary Education Issues, Supervised Internship.
Studies: Teaching Mathematics, working primarily on the following topics: Teaching Mathematics, Ethnomathematics, Indigenous School Education, Learning, History and Philosophy of Mathematics and Playfulness.
Studies: Agronomy, with a focus on the Organic Matter of Soil, and also work dealing with Agricultural Education on the Political Issues for Agricultural Education, Teacher Training, and Research Methodology.
Studies: Social Movements, Community Associations, and Socio-environmental Organizations, on the topics: Rural Dwellers, Agroecology, Land Reform, and Agroextractivism in the Cerrado region.
Studies: Animal Husbandry/Science, focused on Forage Evaluation, Production, and Conservation, primarily working on the following topics: Pasture, Nitrogen, Nitrogen Fertilization, Fertilization, and Forage Reserve Strategies for Use during Lean Periods.
Studies: Education and Rural Development, dealing with the following topics: Gender and Generational Relations, Sexuality, Quality of Life and Management, and Environmental Education. He is currently a professor at UFRRJ, the Department of Home Economics and Hospitality (DEDH), and the Graduate Program in Agricultural Education (PPGEA), where he is a representative in the environment area and a coordinator of the UFRRJ Social Service Course.
Studies: Therapeutic Physical Education, Education at a Distance (EAD) and Pedagogy, with an emphasis on the Practice of Teaching, Supervised Internship, Therapeutic Horse-Riding, primarily focused on the following topics: Children’s Physical Education, Instructional Projects, Literacy, Teaching-learning Processes in Literacy for Early Childhood Education and Early Years of Elementary Education, Educational Equotherapy and Hippotherapy, Motion Praxeology, Inclusive Education, Psychomotricity and Sensory Integration.
Studies: Researcher in Ethnomathematics, where he works with Mathematics Education in Rural Settings and Indigenous School Education, researching the generation and diffusion of knowledge, the relationship of popular knowledge with school knowledge, the practices and knowledge of indigenous teachers from some ethnic groups in Brazil, and the teaching and learning processes of school mathematics and its relationship with everyday life.
Studies: Education (Teaching, Research, and Continuing Education), with an emphasis on Philosophy of Education, working on the following topics: Education, Philosophy, Human Education, Teacher Training, Teaching Philosophy, Philosophy for Children, Ethics, and Epistemology.
Studies: Food Science and Technology, with a focus on Food Science, dealing primarily in the area of Product Development, Food Analysis, and Food Safety.
Studies: Education in projects that address the Quality of Teaching, Professional Education, Youth, Memory, and Training Teachers for Basic Education.
Studies: Home Economics, Education, and Social Work focusing primarily on the following topics: Families, Gender and Generational Relations, Adolescence, Youth and Citizenship, Rural Education, Rural Development, Cooperatives Based on Solidarity and Agroecology. Leads the Family, Education and Social Dimensions/CNPq research group.
Studies: Evaluation Policy for Higher Education, Educational Assessment, Social Actors and Educational Practices, Scientific Research Methodology.
Studies: Education of Youths and Adults and Popular Education, Rural Education, Education, and Social Movements.
Studies: Rural Development, Psychology, and Education, working mainly on the following topics: Rural, Environment, Space, Territory, and Nature.
Studies: Public Health, Zoonosis, and Epidemiology. Experienced in the area of Academic Management, through active participation in restructuring the course syllabus for the undergraduate program in Veterinary Medicine at two higher education institutions and as a member of the Collegiate Board of the Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy courses at UFRRJ.
Studies: Food Science, with an emphasis on Chemistry and Biochemistry, Sensory Analysis, and Food Analysis. Key Research Areas: Development and Chemical and Sensory Characterization of Food Products (which attempts to develop products within the principles of food technology and the relationship between man and the environment) and Teaching Methods in Agricultural Education: Technical and Scientific Knowledge (which attempts to produce knowledge based on a technical and cultural discussion grounded in scientific knowledge).
Studies: Psychology, with a focus on Educational Psychology, Social Psychology, Legal Psychology, Human Relations Psychology, Positive Psychology, Psychology of Health, working primarily on the following topics: Educational Psychology, Legal Psychology, Positive Psychology, Subjective Well-being, Happiness, Work, Stress and Burnout.
Studies: Humanities, with an emphasis on Teaching the English Language, Multi-languages, and Teacher Education. Research is conducted in the following areas: Teaching the English Language, Multilingualism, Transculturality, Identity Discourses, and Teacher Education.
Studies: Design and Application of Geographic Information Systems, member of the Center for Scientific Support in Disasters (CENACID/UFPR), working directly in the field in collecting, organizing, analyzing, and publishing data during the disaster response stage. Experienced in dozens of missions and training activities.
Studies: Botany, with a focus on Plant Ecology, primarily dealing with the following topics: Forest Seeds, Forest Restoration, Floristics, Plant Communities, Vascular Epiphytes, and Preservation of Forest Genetic Resources.
Studies: Education, with an emphasis on Didactics and Teaching of Philosophy, focused mainly on the following topics: Education, Philosophy, Cultural Diversity, Autonomy, and New Technologies.
Studies: Educational Innovation, Indigenous School Education, Indigenous History and Culture, and Rural Education.
Studies: Cognitive Development, Meta-cognition, Health, Treatment, and Clinical Research in Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, Training in Psychology, Prevention, and Intervention in the Field of Child and Youth/Adolescent Violence.
Studies: Ecology and Conservation of Biodiversity, Ecological Restoration, Ecotourism, and Environmental Education.
Studies: Agronomy, with an emphasis on Plant Breeding, coordinating the Genetic Improvement Program for sugarcane, primarily focused on the following topics: Sugarcane, Tissue Culture, Bio-factory, Sugarcane, and Physiology.
Studies: Educational Policy, Teacher Training, Higher Education, History of Education, Historiography, Professional Education, University Autonomy, Educational Legislation, and Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology.
Studies: Agronomy, with an emphasis on Production and Seed Technology.
Studies: Soil Fertility and Mineral Nutrition of Plants, Biomediation, and the Use of Waste Materials in Agriculture.
Studies: Philosophy of Education and Philosophy of Brazilian Education.
Studies: Public Policies, Teacher Training, Environmental / Agroecology Education, primarily working on the following topics: Professional and Technological Education, Local Development, Educator Professionalization, Rural Education, and Social Identities.
Studies: Popular Education and Community, Social Movements, and Rural Education.
Studies: Education, with an emphasis on Training teachers, working mainly on the following topics: Teaching Practices, Teacher Training, Evaluation, Affectivity, and in Mathematical Education, focusing on the processes for teaching and learning mathematical content, including teaching practices for the preservation of the environment and sustainability in indigenous lands.
Studies: Education, with a focus on Physics Teaching, working on the following topics: Teacher Training, Physics Teaching, and History of Science.